
Germany Today

German news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

German Voter Discontent Shakes Political Landscape

Published: 2024-09-06

Recent state elections in Saxony and Thuringia have highlighted significant voter dissatisfaction with Germany's current government, as revealed by the latest ZDF "Politbarometer.

" The survey indicates that 71% of respondents believe the government is performing poorly.

The ruling coalition of SPD, Greens, and FDP, known as the "traffic light coalition," has seen its support plummet to zero percent in the poll.

Instead, 23% of those surveyed prefer a coalition between SPD and CDU/CSU.

The survey also shows a divided opinion on new elections, with 49% in favor and 46% against.

The CDU leads in popularity with 33%, while the AfD and SPD follow with 17% and 15%, respectively.

Markus Söder emerges as the favored candidate for the Union's chancellor nomination, while support for Olaf Scholz as SPD's candidate wanes, even among his party's supporters.