
Germany Today

German news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Germany Resumes Deportations to Afghanistan

Published: 2024-08-31

Germany has resumed deportations to Afghanistan for the first time since the Taliban's takeover three years ago.

The recent deportation involved 28 Afghan nationals, all convicted criminals, who were sent back to Kabul.

This move has sparked a nationwide debate, particularly over the 1,000 euros given to each deportee as a resettlement allowance.

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser defended the payment, stating it is a standard procedure to prevent legal challenges that could arise from potential destitution of deportees.

The deportation aligns with the German government's efforts to demonstrate a firm stance on migration policy, especially ahead of regional elections.

The operation was coordinated with Qatar, which facilitated the deportation process without direct negotiations with the Taliban.

Critics, however, express concerns over the ethical implications and the potential legitimization of the Taliban regime.