
Germany Today

German news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Rail Fare Hike Looms Amid Infrastructure Costs

Published: 2024-08-20

The German government plans to inject billions into Deutsche Bahn to strengthen its infrastructure, but this move may lead to significant fare increases.

The additional capital is expected to result in higher track access charges, or 'rail tolls,' impacting both passenger and freight services.

By 2026, these charges could rise by an average of 19.1%, with regional services facing a 23.5% hike.

This has sparked concerns of reduced rail services and increased road traffic, as higher costs may deter rail usage.

The Federal Ministry of Transport is exploring measures to mitigate these impacts, including potential reforms to the track pricing system.

However, the proposed changes have already drawn criticism from various stakeholders, who fear the financial burden will ultimately fall on consumers.