
Germany Today

German news in English

Thursday, October 17, 2024

Scholz vs. Merz: A Tight Race

Published: 2024-09-24

In Germany, the political landscape is heating up as Chancellor Olaf Scholz and CDU leader Friedrich Merz are neck and neck in public opinion polls.

A recent survey by Insa for the "Bild" newspaper shows both leaders at 30% approval, with 35% of respondents undecided.

This marks an increase in support for both, with Merz gaining five percentage points and Scholz nine since the last poll.

The survey also highlights a preference for a "grand coalition" between the CDU/CSU and SPD if Merz were to win the 2025 federal election, despite Merz ruling out a coalition with the AfD.

Meanwhile, Merz is seen as more competent in economic matters, with 47% of respondents in a Forsa survey for "Stern" believing he can boost the economy, compared to only 16% for Scholz.

This economic confidence is particularly strong among CDU, FDP, and Sahra Wagenknecht's alliance supporters.

However, skepticism remains high among self-employed individuals, with 54% doubting either leader's ability to stimulate growth.