
Germany Today

German news in English

Friday, September 20, 2024

Söder Opposes Black-Green Coalition

Published: 2024-08-26

As Germany approaches the 2025 Bundestag elections, political tensions rise over potential coalition formations.

The Green Party has expressed openness to forming a coalition with the Union, which includes the CDU and CSU.

However, CSU leader Markus Söder has firmly rejected the idea of a black-green coalition, labeling the Greens' overtures as "embarrassing.

" Söder's stance contrasts with his previous support for such a coalition, citing the Greens' role in the current government as disqualifying.

Meanwhile, CDU leader Friedrich Merz remains open to various coalition possibilities, emphasizing the need to replace the current government.

The debate highlights the ongoing strategic divisions within the Union regarding future alliances.