Published: 2024-09-23
The recent electoral victory of the SPD in Brandenburg has bolstered Chancellor Olaf Scholz's position as the party's candidate for the 2025 federal elections.
Despite not participating in the Brandenburg campaign, Scholz benefits from the success led by Minister-President Dietmar Woidke.
The SPD's triumph, securing 30.9% of the vote, marks a significant gain from the previous election, reinforcing their leadership in the region.
Woidke emphasized the importance of addressing right-wing extremism and maintaining close communication with the public.
The victory has temporarily quieted internal party debates about Scholz's candidacy, although challenges remain in forming a stable coalition in Brandenburg.
Related articles in German:
Woidke: Scholz ist als Kanzlerkandidat gesetzt
(S+) SPD-Wahlsieg in Brandenburg: Der Kanzler ist lachender Dritter
Brandenburg-Wahl: Der Anti-Scholz Woidke hat jetzt nur eine echte Option - WELT
Presseschau Brandenburg-Wahl: „Woidke behandelt Scholz wie Kryptonit“ - WELT
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Woidke: Scholz ist als Kanzlerkandidat gesetzt - WELT
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